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67th Critérium du Dauphiné


Well-Known Member
então e o prémio?!?!?! hehehe

bom, eu vou mas é preparar o velogames para o dauphiné, comecem a pensar nas vossas equipas.


Well-Known Member
Para ajudar a aposta ... ranking PCS

Riders ranked by PCS ranking
Rnk Rider PCS-Points
1 VALVERDE Alejandro 3250
2 NIBALI Vincenzo 1563
3 RODRíGUEZ Joaquim 1436
4 COSTA Rui 1428
5 BARDET Romain 1179
6 GALLOPIN Tony 1170
7 VAN GARDEREN Tejay 1169
8 MOLLEMA Bauke 1164
9 MARTIN Daniel 1120
10 FROOME Christopher 1071
11 GERRANS Simon 1001
12 MARTIN Tony 954
13 ALAPHILIPPE Julian 937
14 PERAUD Jean-Christophe 933
15 NAVARDAUSKAS Ramunas 903
16 TERPSTRA Niki 881
17 BOUHANNI Nacer 832
18 WELLENS Tim 827
19 DENNIS Rohan 689
20 KELDERMAN Wilco 688


Well-Known Member
Podendo cair para a 1ª posição a contar do fim ... como posso participar no velogames do criterium dauphiné?
1ª vez ... para deixar de ser caloiro!

Alguma dika que possa ajudar?
Team Selection Criteria
In order that each player creates a balanced team, the following constraint is placed on team selection:

Team Budget

Teams are given 100 credits to select their riders. Credits are the Velogames currency. Each rider is given a value in credits, based on their prospective points-scoring abilities. The credits values are based on past results and recent form, with an emphasis towards those riders who have been successful in past editions of the race.

There are no other team selection criteria apart selecting nine riders and staying within the 100 credit limit. Unlike the Velogames Fantasy Grand Tour games, no limits are set down for different rider classifications.


Assim sendo, temos:

Rui Costa - Pessego

Froome - JPLopes_73, rei_da_montanha

Valverde - Carolina, cutkiller


Active Member
Então olha Froome porque á contrarelogio , porque estará em boa forma pelo Tour que se avizinha e dá sempre luta ...


Well-Known Member
froome = alien

é preciso mais justificações?!

bom, vou abrir o abrir as inscrições para o dauphiné, que é para a malta se entreter.
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